Do Manga Spoiler Spoil Manga?


December 29, 17




明治大学 総合数理学部 先端メディアサイエンス学科 中村聡史研究室



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Do Manga Spoilers Spoil Manga? Yoshiki Maki Satoshi Nakamura Graduate School of Advanced Mathematical Sciences, Meiji University


Do you have experience to get disappointed by encountering the spoiler?


I agree!! But she is dead ... Oh my god!!! Have you read 〇〇○? Yes!!! I love Ms.△△ !!! I have never read there!!!


Ms.△△ ? This is funny lol She is dead !! Have you read 〇〇○ Yes!!! Oh boy... I love Ms.△△ !!!


Character A Character B


Oh NO!!! I’m spoiled!!


Ms.△△ ? This is funny lol She is dead !! Conversation Tweet Websites Facing Page


Related Work Story Spoilers Don’t Spoil Stories [Leavitt, 2011] In novel, Spoiler make more interesting


Related Work Story Spoilers Don’t Spoil Stories [Leavitt, 2011] Spoiler which they defined The Effect of Spoilers on the Enjoyment of has many problems Short Stories[Levine, 2013] Spoiler make novel more interesting Spoiler in reading make novel more interesting The role of spoilers in comic book reading [Hassoun, 2013] Their Spoiler is not the really Spoiler Spoiler basis of the comic panel make comic more interesting


Related Work Story Spoilers Don’t Spoil Stories [Leavitt, 2011] Spoiler make novel more interesting Spoiler was the part of contents Only clarifying that the spoiler makes to read novel easily


Related Work[Hassoun] More Is it spoiler which we usually get? Interesting Spoiler


Hypothesis Story Spoilers Don’t Spoil Stories [Leavitt, 2011] Manga Spoilers Do Spoil Manga Stories


Purpose Investigating the influence of real spoiler in Manga We generate a dataset of spoilers We make an experiment whether the spoiler effect depending on spoiler timing or not


Generate Datasets


Ms.△△ ? This is funny lol She is dead !! Conversation Tweet Outside of the contents Websites Facing Page Hard to definine


Ms.△△ ? This is funny lol She is dead !! Saying Tweet Simple spoiler Spoiler is inside the contents Websites Facing Page What kind of pages are Manga Spoiler?


Datasets(Used Manga) Battle ©️Yoshihiro Tomigashi ©️Takeshi Obata Sports ©️Tsujitomo ©️Taiyo Matsumoto Mystery ©️Aki Shimizu ©️Tetsuya Tsutsu Romance ©️Sotara Akiduki ©️Toko Minami


Datasets(Design) Genre×2 Manga = 8 Manga Amount Manga Participants Question a4 people who already read each manga Select and Rank(1st to 3rd) pages with spoilers


Datasets(Selected Scenes) Battle Dead or Alive ©️Yoshihiro Tomigashi Dead or Alive ©️Takeshi Obata Sports Mystery Romance Win / Lose Detect mystery Confess love ©️Tsujitomo Ending ©️Taiyo Matsumoto ©️Aki Shimizu Ending ©️Tetsuya Tsutsu ©️Sotara Akiduki Confess love ©️Toko Minami




Experiment 1 2 3 Purpose Investigating the spoiler effect in relation to Manga reading timing


Experiment 1 2 3 Question Enjoyment value with 5-tired Lickerd scale Exciting Scenes with freely describe


Experiment 1 2 3 Participants Group Reading


Experiment 1 2 3 Participants Group Reading Without Spoiler After Outline After Part.1 After Part.2


Experiment Without Spoiler Outline Part 2 Story Part 1 Manga Part 3 Spoiled After Outline Outline Part 1 Manga Story Part 2 Part 3 Spoiled After Part 1 Outline Part 2 Part 1 Manga Story Part 3 Spoiled After Part 2 Outline Part 1 Manga Story Part 2 Part 3 Spoiler Timing Questionnaire Timing


Experiment Without Spoiler Outline Part 2 Story Part 1 Manga Spoiled After Outline Outline 2 2 PartPart 3 3 PartPart 1 1 PartPart Spoiled After Part 1 Outline Part 1 3 3 PartPart 2 2 PartPart Spoiled After Part 2 Outline Part 1 Part 2 Spoiler Timing Part 3 PartPart 3 3 Questionnaire Timing


Experiment 1 2 3 Participants Group Reading 8 Manga×4 Group×3 Group×5 People 160 96 Readings! Readings!


Experiment Result


Enjoyment value at last in each group Enjoyment value is decreasing depending on timing 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Without Spoiler -0.5 After Outline After Part.1 After Part.2 No significant difference


Type of Manga Battle Sports Mystery Romance Spoiler Unacceptable Manga ©️Yoshihiro Tomigashi ©️Tsujitomo ©️Aki Shimizu ©️Sotara Akiduki Spoiler Acceptable Manga ©️Takeshi Obata ©️Taiyo Matsumoto ©️Tetsuya Tsutsu ©️Toko Minami


Enjoyment Value 2.0 Spoiler Unacceptable Manga 1.5 Which decreasing enjoyment by spoiler 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 Without Spoiler After Outline After Part.1 After Part.2 Four Manga High point in without spoiler GIANT KILLING(Sports) Spoiler Acceptable Manga 2.0 1.5 Which increasing enjoyment by spoiler 1.0 0.5 0 -0.5 Four Manga Without Spoiler After Outline After Part 1 After Part 2 SHIRAYUKI(Romance) Low point in without spoiler


Amount of Exciting Scenes 5 Spoiler Unacceptable Manga 4 3 Little scene is selected in without spoiler 2 1 0 Without Spoiler After Outline After Part.1 After Part.2 GIANT KILLING(Sports) 5 4 Spoiler Acceptable Manga 3 Many scenes are selected in without 2 1 spoiler 0 Without Spoiler After Outline After Part.1 After Part.2 SHIRAYUKI(Romance)


Exciting Scenes GIANT KILLING(unacceptable) None Win / Lose Spoiled Win / Lose None Win / Lose Spoiled Growth of Character None Win / Lose Spoiled Goal


Exciting Scenes SHIRAYUKI(acceptable) None Ending None Bonds between Character None Growth of Character Spoiled Ending Spoiled Ending Spoiled Ending


Relationship between Exciting Scene and Enjoyment Value Spoiler Unacceptable Manga (GIANT KILLING) Exciting scenes is inverse proportion to amount of enjoyment value 2.0 5 1.5 4 1.0 3 2 0.5 1 0.0 Without Spoiler After Outline After Part.1 After Part.2 0 Without Spoiler -0.5 Enjoyment Value After Outline After Part.1 Amount of Scenes After Part.2


Relationship between Exciting Scene and Enjoyment Value Spoiler Acceptable Manga (SHIRAYUKI) Exciting scenes is inverse proportion to amount of enjoyment value 2.0 5 1.5 4 1.0 3 2 0.5 0 1 Without Spoiler After Outline After Part 1 After Part 2 0 -0.5 Without Spoiler Enjoyment Value After Outline After Part.1 Amount of Scenes After Part.2


Translate Bar of Enjoyment Value Graph 2.0 ● Spoiler Timing 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Outline Spoiler1 Part.1 Spoiler2 Part.2 Spoiler3 Part.3 -0.5 Without Spoiler With Spoiler1 With Spoiler2 With Spoiler3


Translate Bar of Enjoyment Value Graph 2.0 ● Spoiler Timing 1.5 After Spoiler, enjoyment value is decreasing 1.0 0.5 0.0 Outline Spoiler1 Part.1 Spoiler2 Part.2 Spoiler3 Part.3 -0.5 Without Spoiler With Spoiler1 With Spoiler2 With Spoiler3


The Ratio of DROPPOING Ratio of reducing the interest continuation The ratio of readers who dropped the interest of the next episode Participants Reduce Ratio Without Spoiler 40 8 20% Spoiled 120 44 37% Dropping Ratio is increasing by spoiler


Discussion Enjoyment value is decreasing after spoiler Spoiler decreases the enjoyment of Manga There are two types of manga, spoilers increase/decrease enjoyment value In the manga with high enjoyment, spoiler decrease enjoyment value In the manga with low enjoyment, spoiler increase enjoyment value


Discussion Exciting scenes is inverse proportion to enjoyment value In the manga that people enjoy the same scene at the first time reading, spoiler reduces the enjoyment of Manga In the manga that people enjoy different scenes at the first time reading, spoiler increases the enjoyment of Manga


Summary Generate dataset Using the facing pages as the spoiler Chosen one spoiler pages each manga Experiment Two type manga, spoiler make interesting or not Spoiler effect is different from manga enjoyment Enjoyment is changing by exciting scene


Future Work Use lower enjoyment manga High Only Enjoyment use popularity manga in this time Not Spoiled Lower enjoyment manga has possibility that spoiler effect is Advertisement changing Change advertisement Diversity Changing Enjoyment advertisement depending on spoilerSpoiled effect Advertisement