Future-Proof Your Vim Plugins


November 25, 24


既存のコードに新機能を追加したり、バグを修正したりする際に、意図せず他の機能に影響を与えてしまうことは避けなければなりません。 この課題を克服するために、自動テストの導入が欠かせません。

本発表では、Vim プラグイン開発における自動テストの重要性を確認し、テスティングフレームワークの選定方法や具体的なテストケースの作成方法、 さらにはメンテナンスを容易にするための効率的なフローについて詳しく解説します。 既存のコードの品質を向上させ、新機能の追加やバグ修正をより安全に行える方法をお伝えします。


DeNA が社会の技術向上に貢献するため、業務で得た知見を積極的に外部に発信する、DeNA 公式のアカウントです。DeNA エンジニアの登壇資料をお届けします。



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Future-Proof Your Vim Plugins: Strategies for Robust Testing VimConf2024 2024-11-23 © DeNA Co., Ltd. 1


:help Kazuma Inagaki 👾 a.k.a IK 💻 :DeNA SWET Group2 /Quality Assurance Dept. / IT Unit vim-airline organization member Collaborators @get-me-power @get_me_power


Do you write tests?


What happens if the test isn't written? ● Failing to notice regressions ○ New changes unexpectedly affecting existing features ● Difficulty in reviewing pull requests ○ Without tests, it's hard to verify the behavior during code review


What happens if the test isn't written? ● Failing to notice regressions ○ New changes unexpectedly affecting existing features The same tasks apply even when making a Vim plugin ● Difficulty in reviewing pull requests ○ Without tests, it's hard to verify the behavior during code review


Outline 1. Introduction to Simple Testing 2. Selection/Usage of a Testing Framework 3. Points to Consider When Writing Tests 4. Efficient Flow for Easing Maintenance Starting from Tests 5. Conclusion


Outline 1. Introduction to Simple Testing 2. Selection/Usage of aUsing Testing Explain the Framework vim-devicons API as an Example 3. Points to Consider When Writing Tests 4. Efficient Flow for Easing Maintenance Starting from Tests 5. Conclusion


" A function that returns a specific icon based on the arguments " a:1 (bufferName), a:2 (isDirectory) function! WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(...) abort endfunction " Return the buffer icon or a default one. call WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol() " Return the Vim icon. call WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol("hoge.vim") " Return the folder icon. call WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol("hoge.vim", 1)


" A function that returns a specific icon based on the arguments " a:1 (bufferName), a:2 (isDirectory) function! WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(...) abort endfunction " Return the buffer icon or a default one. call WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol() " Return the Vim icon. call WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol("hoge.vim") " Return the folder icon. call WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol("hoge.vim", 1)


" A function that returns a specific icon based on the arguments " a:1 (bufferName), a:2 (isDirectory) function! WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(...) abort endfunction " Return the buffer icon or a default one. call WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol() " Return the Vim icon. call WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol("hoge.vim") " Return the folder icon. call WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol("hoge.vim", 1)


" A function that returns a specific icon based on the arguments " a:1 (bufferName), a:2 (isDirectory) function! WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(...) abort endfunction " Return the buffer icon or a default one. call WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol() " Return the Vim icon. call WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol("hoge.vim") " Return the folder icon. call WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol("hoge.vim", 1)


" A function that returns a specific icon based on the arguments " a:1 (bufferName), a:2 (isDirectory) function! WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(...) abort endfunction " Return the buffer icon or a default one. call WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol() Next: Letʼs write easy Test " Return the Vim icon. call WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol("hoge.vim") " Return the folder icon. call WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol("hoge.vim", 1)

function! TestWebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol()
let v:errors = []
call assert_equal('\ue612', WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol())
call assert_equal('\ue62b', WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol("hoge.vim"))
call assert_equal('\uf07b', WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol("hoge.vim", 1))
if len(v:errors) >= 1
echo v:errors
echo 'test success'

function! TestWebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol()
let v:errors = []
call assert_equal('\ue612', WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol())
call assert_equal('\ue62b', WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol("hoge.vim"))
call assert_equal('\uf07b', WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol("hoge.vim", 1))
if len(v:errors) >= 1
Whatʼs asset_equal ?
echo v:errors
echo 'test success'

assert_equal({expected}, {actual} [, {msg}])
When {expected}
and {actual} are not equal an error message is
to v:errors and
1 is returned. Otherwise zero is
= []
returned. assert-return
The error is in the form "Expected {expected} but got
assert_equal('\ue612', WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol())
{actual}". When {msg} is present it is prefixed to that,
along with the location of the assert when run from a script.

is no automatic conversion, the String
"4" is different
from the Number 4. And the number 4 is different from the
Float 4.0. The value of 'ignorecase' is not used here, case
call assert_equal('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
Will add the following to v:errors:
if len(v:errors)
>= 1
test.vim line 12: baz: Expected 'foo' but got 'bar'

echo v:errors
Can also be used as a method, the base is passed as the
second argument:
mylist->assert_equal([1, 2, 3])

echo 'test success'
Return type: Number


assert_equal({expected}, {actual} [, {msg}])
When {expected}
and {actual} are not equal an error message is
to v:errors and
1 is returned. Otherwise zero is
= []
returned. assert-return
The error is in the form "Expected {expected} but got
assert_equal('\ue612', WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol())
{actual}". When {msg} is present it is prefixed to that,
along with the location of the assert when run from a script.

is no automatic conversion, the String
"4" is different
from the Number 4. And the number 4 is different from the
Float 4.0. The value of 'ignorecase' is not used here, case
call assert_equal('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
Will add the following to v:errors:
if len(v:errors)
>= 1
test.vim line 12: baz: Expected 'foo' but got 'bar'

Next: Explaining the test process

echo v:errors
Can also be used as a method, the base is passed as the
second argument:
mylist->assert_equal([1, 2, 3])

echo 'test success'
Return type: Number


function! TestWebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol()
let v:errors = []
Accumulate errors found by the test function.
call assert_equal('\ue612', WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol())
call assert_equal('\ue62b', WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol("hoge.vim"))
call assert_equal('\uf07b', WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol("hoge.vim", 1))
if len(v:errors) >= 1
echo v:errors
echo 'test success'

function! TestWebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol()
let v:errors = []
call assert_equal('\ue612', WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol())
call assert_equal('\ue62b', WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol("hoge.vim"))
call assert_equal('\uf07b', WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol("hoge.vim", 1))
if len(v:errors) >= 1
echo v:errors
echo 'test success'

Run the test.

function! TestWebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol()
let v:errors = []
call assert_equal('\ue612', WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol())
call assert_equal('\ue62b', WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol("hoge.vim"))
call assert_equal('\uf07b', WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol("hoge.vim", 1))
if len(v:errors) >= 1
echo v:errors
echo 'test success'

Display the test results.

function! TestWebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol()
let v:errors = []
call assert_equal('\ue612', WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol())
call assert_equal('\ue62b', WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol("hoge.vim"))

:call TestWebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol()

call assert_equal('\uf07b', WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol("hoge.vim", 1))
if len(v:errors) >= 1
echo v:errors
echo 'test success'


Successful test case. test success Failed test case. ['function TestWebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol line 3: Expected '''' but got ''<98><ab>''', 'function TestWebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol line 4: Expected '''' but got ''<98><ab>''', 'function TestWebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol line 5: Expected '''' but got ''<81><bb>''']


テストが成功した場合 test success テストが失敗した場合 ● Failure results are unclear. ● Rules or guidelines for writing tests are needed. ● Management of multiple test cases is required. ● Easy separation of test environments is desired. ['function TestWebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol line 3: Expected '''' but got ''<98><ab>''', 'function TestWebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol line 4: Expected '''' but got ''<98><ab>''', 'function TestWebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol line 5: Expected '''' but got ''<81><bb>''']


テストが成功した場合 test success ● Failure results are unclear. ● Rules or guidelines for writing tests are needed. ● Management of multiple test cases is required. ● Easy separation of test environments is desired. Let's use a testing framework. テストが失敗した場合 ['function TestWebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol line 3: Expected '''' but got ''<98><ab>''', 'function TestWebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol line 4: Expected '''' but got ''<98><ab>''', 'function TestWebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol line 5: Expected '''' but got ''<81><bb>''']


Outline 1. Introduction to Simple Testing 2. Selection/Usage of a Testing Framework 3. Points to Consider When Writing Tests 4. Efficient Flow for Easing Maintenance Starting from Tests 5. Conclusion


Benefits of Introducing a Testing Framework ● Test reports are easy to understand. ● Test case writing can be standardized, enhancing maintainability. ● Multiple test cases can be centrally managed by the testing framework. ● Test environments in Vim can be easily separated.


What testing frameworks are available for Vim script? ● thinca/vim-themis ● junegoon/vader.vim ● kana/vim-vspec ● google/vroom …


What testing frameworks are available for Vim script? ● thinca/vim-themis ● junegoon/vader.vim ● kana/vim-vspec ● google/vroom … It's so confusing to figure out which one is better!


Points to Consider When Making a Selection ● Can it be executed from the shell? ○ ● Want to execute tests in one line for potential CI integration. Does it require environments other than Vim? ○ If other environments are needed, it increases the setup effort both locally and in CI. ● Can it manage plugins that the test plugin depends on? ○ Being able to manage them lowers the difficulty of setting up the environment. ○ Test execution be standardized in the local environment


Selection of a Testing Framework Can be executed from the shell 「Works with only Vim Can incorporate dependent plugins during testing thinca/ vim-themis ◯ ◯ ◯ junegoon/ vader.vim ✗ ◯ ✗ kana/ vim-vspec △ ✗ ✗ google/ vroom ✗ ◯ ✗


Selection of a Testing Framework Can be executed from the shell 「Works with only Vim Can incorporate dependent plugins during testing Let's use vim-themis ◯ ◯ ◯ junegoon/ vader.vim ✗ ◯ ✗ kana/ vim-vspec △ ✗ ✗ google/ vroom ✗ ◯ ✗ thinca/ vim-themis


Outline 1. Introduction to Simple Testing 2. Selection/Usage of a Testing Framework 3. Points to Consider When Writing Tests 4. Efficient Flow for Easing Maintenance Starting from Tests 5. Conclusion


Points to consider when writing tests ● Ensure that the results do not change whether executed locally or on CI. ● Prevent assertion roulette.


Points to consider when writing tests ● Ensure that the results do not change whether executed locally or on CI. An explanation based on vim-airline's test cases. ● Prevent assertion roulette.


It should extract correct colors call airline#highlighter#reset_hlcache() highlight Foo ctermfg=1 ctermbg=2 let colors = airline#themes#get_highlight('Foo') Assert Equals(colors[0], 'NONE') Assert Equals(colors[1], 'NONE') Assert Equals(colors[2], '1') Assert Equals(colors[3], '2') End Execute locally ❌ Failed Execute on CI ✅ Success


It should extract correct colors call airline#highlighter#reset_hlcache() highlight Foo ctermfg=1 ctermbg=2 let colors = airline#themes#get_highlight('Foo') Assert Equals(colors[0], 'NONE') Assert Equals(colors[1], 'NONE') Assert Equals(colors[2], '1') Assert Equals(colors[3], '2') End Execute locally ❌ Failed 🤔 Execute on CI ✅ Success


It should extract correct colors call airline#highlighter#reset_hlcache() highlight Foo ctermfg=1 ctermbg=2 let colors = airline#themes#get_highlight('Foo') Assert Equals(colors[0], 'NONE') Assert Equals(colors[1], 'NONE') Assert Equals(colors[2], '1') Assert Equals(colors[3], '2') End set termguicolor ❌ Failed set notermguicolor ✅ Success


It should extract correct colors call airline#highlighter#reset_hlcache() highlight Foo ctermfg=1 ctermbg=2 let colors = airline#themes#get_highlight('Foo') Assert Equals(colors[0], 'NONE') Assert Equals(colors[1], 'NONE') Assert Equals(colors[2], '1') Assert Equals(colors[3], '2') End The test results change depending on Vim options! set termguicolor ❌ Failed set notermguicolor ✅ Success


It should extract correct colors with notermguicolors set notermguicolors call airline#highlighter#reset_hlcache() highlight Foo ctermfg=1 ctermbg=2 let colors = airline#themes#get_highlight('Foo') Assert Equals(...) End It should extract correct colors with termguicolors if !exists("+termguicolors") Assert Skip("termguicolors is disable build. Skip this test.") endif set termguicolors call airline#highlighter#reset_hlcache() highlight Foo ctermfg=1 ctermbg=2 let colors = airline#themes#get_highlight('Foo') Assert Equals(...) End


It should extract correct colors with notermguicolors set notermguicolors call airline#highlighter#reset_hlcache() highlight Foo ctermfg=1 ctermbg=2 let colors = airline#themes#get_highlight('Foo') Assert Equals(...) End It should extract correct colors with termguicolors if !exists("+termguicolors") Assert Skip("termguicolors is disable build. Skip this test.") endif set termguicolors call airline#highlighter#reset_hlcache() highlight Foo ctermfg=1 ctermbg=2 let colors = airline#themes#get_highlight('Foo') Assert Equals(...) End


It should extract correct colors with notermguicolors set notermguicolors call airline#highlighter#reset_hlcache() highlight Foo ctermfg=1 ctermbg=2 let colors = airline#themes#get_highlight('Foo') Assert Equals(...) End for It notermguicolor should extract method correct colors with termguicolors if !exists("+termguicolors") Assert Skip("termguicolors is disable build. Skip this test.") endif set termguicolors call airline#highlighter#reset_hlcache() highlight Foo ctermfg=1 ctermbg=2 let colors = airline#themes#get_highlight('Foo') Assert Equals(...) End


It should extract correct colors with notermguicolors set notermguicolors call airline#highlighter#reset_hlcache() highlight Foo ctermfg=1 ctermbg=2 let colors = airline#themes#get_highlight('Foo') Assert Equals(...) for termguicolors method End It should extract correct colors with termguicolors if !exists("+termguicolors") Assert Skip("termguicolors is disable build. Skip this test.") endif set termguicolors call airline#highlighter#reset_hlcache() highlight Foo ctermfg=1 ctermbg=2 let colors = airline#themes#get_highlight('Foo') Assert Equals(...) End


It should extract correct colors with notermguicolors set notermguicolors call airline#highlighter#reset_hlcache() highlight Foo ctermfg=1 ctermbg=2 let colors = airline#themes#get_highlight('Foo') Assert Equals(...) End It should extract correct colors with termguicolors if !exists("+termguicolors") Assert Skip("termguicolors is disable build. Skip this test.") endif set termguicolors call airline#highlighter#reset_hlcache() highlight Foo ctermfg=1 ctermbg=2 let colors = airline#themes#get_highlight('Foo') Assert Equals(...) End ✅ Success ✅ Success


Points to consider when writing tests ● Ensure that the results do not change whether executed locally or on CI. ● Prevent assertion roulette. An explanation based on vim-devicons' test cases.


let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol_testdotvim_returnVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim'), "\ue62b") endfunction function! s:suite.WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol_vimrc_returnVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('vimrc'), "\ue62b") endfunction function! s:suite.WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol_gvimrc_returnVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('gvimrc'), "\ue62b") endfunction


let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol_testdotvim_returnVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim'), "\ue62b") endfunction function! s:suite.WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol_vimrc_returnVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('vimrc'), "\ue62b") endfunction function! s:suite.WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol_gvimrc_returnVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('gvimrc'), "\ue62b") endfunction $themis test –reporter spec


let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol_testdotvim_returnVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim'), "\ue62b") endfunction function! s:suite.WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol_vimrc_returnVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('vimrc'), "\ue62b") endfunction function! s:suite.WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol_gvimrc_returnVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('gvimrc'), "\ue62b") endfunction WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol [✓] WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol_testdotvim_returnVimIcon [✓] WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol_vimrc_returnVimIcon [✓] WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol_gvimrc_returnVimIcon tests 3 passes 3


let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol_testdotvim_returnVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim'), "\ue62b") endfunction function! s:suite.WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol_vimrc_returnVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('vimrc'), "\ue62b") endfunction function! s:suite.WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol_gvimrc_returnVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('gvimrc'), "\ue62b") endfunction Combine test methods into one let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.OneArgumet_GetVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim'), "\ue62b") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('vimrc'), "\ue62b") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('gvimrc'), "\ue62b") endfunction


let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol_testdotvim_returnVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim'), "\ue62b") endfunction function! s:suite.WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol_vimrc_returnVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('vimrc'), "\ue62b") endfunction function! s:suite.WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol_gvimrc_returnVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('gvimrc'), "\ue62b") endfunction Simplify using a for loop let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.OneArgumet_GetVimIcon() let targetfilenames = ['test.vim', '.vimrc', 'gvimrc'] for targetfilename in targetfilenames call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(targetfilename), "\ue62b") endfor endfunction


let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol_testdotvim_returnVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim'), "\ue62b") endfunction function! s:suite.WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol_vimrc_returnVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('vimrc'), "\ue62b") endfunction function! s:suite.WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol_gvimrc_returnVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('gvimrc'), "\ue62b") endfunction Simplify using a for loop let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.OneArgumet_GetVimIcon() let targetfilenames = ['test.vim', '.vimrc', 'gvimrc'] for targetfilename in targetfilenames call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(targetfilename), "\ue62b") endfor endfunction


What is the issue?


Combine test methods into one let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.OneArgumet_GetVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim'), "\ue62b") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('vimrc'), "\ue62b") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('gvimrc'), "\ue62b") endfunction Simplify using a for loop let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.OneArgumet_GetVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim'), "\ue62b") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('vimrc'), "\ue62b") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('gvimrc'), "\ue62b") endfunction


Combine test methods into one let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.OneArgumet_GetVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim'), "\ue62b") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('vimrc'), "\ue62b") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('gvimrc'), "\ue62b") endfunction Intentionally cause it to fail Simplify using a for loop let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.OneArgumet_GetVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim'), "\ue62b") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('vimrc'), "\ue62b") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('gvimrc'), "\ue62b") endfunction


Combine test methods into one let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.OneArgumet_GetVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim'), "") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('vimrc'), "") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('gvimrc'), "") endfunction Simplify using a for loop let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.OneArgumet_GetVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim'), "") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('vimrc'), "") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('gvimrc'), "") endfunction


Combine test methods into one let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.OneArgumet_GetVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim'), "") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('vimrc'), "") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('gvimrc'), "") endfunction $themis test –reporter spec Simplify using a for loop let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.OneArgumet_GetVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim'), "") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('vimrc'), "") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('gvimrc'), "") endfunction


Combine test methods into one let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.OneArgumet_GetVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim'), "") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('vimrc'), "") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('gvimrc'), "") endfunction WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol [✖] OneArgumet_GetVimIcon Simplify using a for loop The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case. let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') expected: "" got: "\ue612" function! s:suite.OneArgumet_GetVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim'), "") call tests 1 s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('vimrc'), "") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('gvimrc'), "") passes 0 endfunction fails 1


Combine test methods into one let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.OneArgumet_GetVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim'), "") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('vimrc'), "") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('gvimrc'), "") endfunction WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol [✖] OneArgumet_GetVimIcon Simplify using a for loop The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case. let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') expected: "" got: "\ue612" function! s:suite.OneArgumet_GetVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim'), "") call "") !? tests 1 s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('vimrc'), call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('gvimrc'), "") passes 0 endfunction fails 1


Combine test methods into one let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.OneArgumet_GetVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim'), "") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('vimrc'), "") call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('gvimrc'), "") endfunction WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol Don't know where it failed! [✖] OneArgumet_GetVimIcon Simplify using a for loop The equivalent values were expected, but it was not the case. let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') expected: "" got: "\ue612" function! s:suite.OneArgumet_GetVimIcon() call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('test.vim'), "") call "") !? tests 1 s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('vimrc'), call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol('gvimrc'), "") passes 0 endfunction fails 1


let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.OneArgumet_GetVimIcon() let targetfilenames = ['test.vim', '.vimrc', 'gvimrc'] for targetfilename in targetfilenames call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(targetfilename), "\ue62b") endfor endfunction


let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.OneArgumet_GetVimIcon() let targetfilenames = ['test.vim', '.vimrc', 'gvimrc'] for targetfilename in targetfilenames call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(targetfilename), "\ue62b") endfor endfunction let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:Assert(filename, icon) call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(a:filename), a:icon) endfunction function! s:suite.__OneArgument_VimIcon__() let targetfilenames = ['test.vim', 'vimrc', 'gvimrc'] let expecticon = "\ue62b" let child = themis#suite('OneArgument_VimIcon') for targetfilename in targetfilenames let child[targetfilename] = funcref('s:Assert', [targetfilename, expecticon]) endfor endfunction


let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.OneArgumet_GetVimIcon() let targetfilenames = ['test.vim', '.vimrc', 'gvimrc'] for targetfilename in targetfilenames call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(targetfilename), "\ue62b") endfor endfunction let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:Assert(filename, icon) call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(a:filename), a:icon) endfunction WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol OneArgument_VimIcon function! s:suite.__OneArgument_VimIcon__() [✓]targetfilenames test.vim let = ['test.vim', 'vimrc', 'gvimrc'] let = "\ue62b" [✓]expecticon vimrc let child = themis#suite('OneArgument_VimIcon') [✓] gvimrc for targetfilename in targetfilenames let child[targetfilename] = funcref('s:Assert', [targetfilename, expecticon]) tests 3 endfor passes 3 endfunction


let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:suite.OneArgumet_GetVimIcon() WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol let targetfilenames = ['test.vim', '.vimrc', 'gvimrc'] [✓] OneArgumet_GetVimIcon for targetfilename in targetfilenames call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(targetfilename), "\ue62b") tests 1 endfor passes 1 endfunction fails 0 let s:suite = themis#suite('WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol') let s:assert = themis#helper('assert') function! s:Assert(filename, icon) call s:assert.equals(WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol(a:filename), a:icon) endfunction WebDevIconsGetFileTypeSymbol OneArgument_VimIcon function! s:suite.__OneArgument_VimIcon__() [✓]targetfilenames test.vim let = ['test.vim', 'vimrc', 'gvimrc'] let = "\ue62b" [✓]expecticon vimrc let child = themis#suite('OneArgument_VimIcon') [✓] gvimrc for targetfilename in targetfilenames let child[targetfilename] = funcref('s:Assert', [targetfilename, expecticon]) tests 3 endfor passes 3 endfunction


Outline 1. Introduction to Simple Testing 2. Selection/Usage of a Testing Framework 3. Points to Consider When Writing Tests 4. Efficient Flow for Easing Maintenance Starting from Tests 5. Conclusion


make PR Pull Request merge Repo with patches applied


make PR Pull Request merge ✅ Does the plugin work in the first place? Repo with patches applied


make PR Pull Request merge ✅ Does the plugin work in the first place? ✅ Is there no regression? Repo with patches applied


make PR Pull Request merge Repo with patches applied ✅ Does the plugin work in the first place? ✅ Is there no regression? ✅ Does it meet the requirements outlined in the PR summary?


make PR Pull Request merge Repo with patches applied ✅ Does the plugin work in the first place? ✅ Is there no regression? ✅ Does it meet the requirements outlined in the PR summary? ✅ Is there no negative impact on performance?


make PR Pull Request merge Repo with patches applied ✅ Does the plugin work in the first place? ✅ Is there no regression? ✅ Does it meet the requirements outlined in the PR summary? ✅ Is there no negative impact on performance? Do we have to do all of this manually!?!? maintainer




This is not something a person should do


This is not something a person should do Let's automate it


make PR Pull Request merge Repo with patches applied ✅ Does the plugin work in the first place? ✅ Is there no regression? ✅ Does it meet the requirements outlined in the PR summary? ✅ Is there no negative impact on performance?


make PR It seems automatable Pull Request merge Repo with patches applied ✅ Does the plugin work in the first place? ✅ Is there no regression? ✅ Does it meet the requirements outlined in the PR summary? ✅ Is there no negative impact on performance?


make PR Static analysis is effective Pull Request merge Repo with patches applied ✅ Does the plugin work in the first place? ✅ Is there no regression? ✅ Does it meet the requirements outlined in the PR summary? ✅ Is there no negative impact on performance?


make PR Executing automated tests is effective Pull Request merge Repo with patches applied ✅ Does the plugin work in the first place? ✅ Is there no regression? ✅ Does it meet the requirements outlined in the PR summary? ✅ Is there no negative impact on performance?


make PR Pull Request merge Execution of vint by CI Diff without syntax errors Execution of automated tests by CI Results with all tests passing Steps for automation Repo with patches applied


make PR Pull Request merge Execution of vint by CI Diff without syntax errors Repo with patches applied Do not merge unless it passes on CI! Execution of automated tests by CI Steps for automation Results with all tests passing


make PR Pull Request merge Execution of vint by CI Diff without syntax errors Repo with patches applied Do not merge unless it passes on CI! Maintenance becomes easier! Execution of automated tests by CI Steps for automation Results with all tests passing


Outline 1. Introduction to Simple Testing 2. Selection/Usage of a Testing Framework 3. Points to Consider When Writing Tests 4. Efficient Flow for Easing Maintenance Starting from Tests 5. Conclusion


Conclusion ● Nowadays, there are various ways to create Vim plugins ○ Deno, Lua, Vim script, Vim9 script, etc... ● Although Vim script is used as the example here, the basic concepts are the same for all. ● You can contribute to OSS through testing as well. 80


Conclusion ● Nowadays, there are various ways to create Vim plugins ○ Deno, Lua, Vim script, Vim9 script, etc... I encourage you to try writing test! ● Although Vim script is used as the example here, the basic concepts are the same for all. ● You can contribute to OSS through testing as well. 81


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