岸根高校 テスト前応用問題対策 論理・表現Ⅰ LESSON11プリント 2022


January 10, 23




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テスト前応用文法問題対策 1 ( 論理・表現Ⅰ LESSON11 プリント )内から適切な語を選びましょう。 1.Do you know anyone ( which / who ) likes basketball? 2.This smartphone is different from ( what / which ) I want. 3.I like Kawabata Yasunari, ( who / what ) wrote Izu no Odoriko. 2 日本語の意味に合うように( )内の語句を並び替えましょう。 1.彼女にはオーストラリアに住んでいる友人がいます。 She has a ( who / in / lives / friend / Australia ). 2.3月の後の月は4月です。 ( after / month / which / the / comes / March ) is April. 3.彼女が結婚した男性は看護師です。 The man ( whom / married / she / a / is ) nurse. 4.これは、彼女が昨日解散したアイドルグループです。 This is ( she / group / yesterday / idol / opaired / which / an ). 5.私たちが必要とするのはそのデータです。 ( we / need / what ) is the data. 6.彼は昔の彼じゃない。 ( not / is / what / he ) he was.


7.あれは、ハエを追い払い除去するための道具です。 That is ( tool / scares / away / a / and / rid / which / gets ) of flies. 8.これは、古い伝統に由来するセミです。 This is ( cicada / which / a / stems / an / tradition / ancient / upon ). 9.それは、新しい冒険に乗り出すゲームです。 It is ( adventure / on / the / new / game / a / embarks / which ). 10.それは、私の記憶に残る出来事でした。 It was ( an / in / memory / event / lingers / which / my ). 11.私は簡単に虎視眈々と怒っていた。 I was easily ( waiting / anyone / who / for / angered / tempts / and ). 12.変わらず耳を傾けている人のために。 For ( people / listen / unmoved / who / the ). 13.これは、とても有名な芸術家によって製作された彫刻です。 This is ( a / made / sculpture / that / was ) by a very famous artist. 14.私は意味もなく𠮟っていたのを信じることができません。 I can’t believe ( what / scolded / for / reason / no / I ). 3 空所に適切な語を入れましょう。 1.( ) surprised me was his performance of playing the guitar. 2.He told me that he was sick, ( ) was a lie.


解答 1 1.who 2.what 3.who 2 1.friend who lives in Australia. 2.The month which comes after March 3.whom she married is a 4.an idol group which she opaired yesterday 5.What we need 6.He is not what 7.a tool which scares away and gets rid of flies 8.a cicada which stems upon an ancient tradition 9.the game which embarks on a new adventure 10.an event which lingers in my memory 11.angered and waiting for anyone who tempts 12.the people who listen unmoved 13.a sculpture that was made 14.what I scolded for no reason 3 1.What 2.which


語群 marry – married – married 結婚する opair – opaired – opaired 解散する scare away 追い払う get rid of 除去する stem upon 由来する embark – embarked – embarked linger – lingered – lingered 残る waiting for anyone who tempts listen unmoved sculpture 虎視眈々 変わらず耳を傾ける 彫刻 scold – scolded – scolded for no reason 乗り出す 意味もなく 叱る